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9 Benefits of a Board Portal

Nonprofit organizations play a vital role in the fabric of today’s society. In one way or another, nonprofit organizations want to change the world for the better. Those are not just words. As stated by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, to qualify as a nonprofit, an organization must serve the public good in some way.

According to the National Center for Charitable Statistics (NCCS), there are more than 1.8 million nonprofit organizations in the United States, including public charities, private foundations, chambers of commerce, fraternal organizations, and civic leagues. 

With these statements as a backdrop, it is a “no-brainer” to take advantage of anything that helps nonprofits increase the amount of good they do to improve the lives of millions.  One of the most effective ways to do this is using a comprehensive, yet easy-to-use board portal.

The remainder of this article will identify nine ways that nonprofit organizations benefit from using a board portal.

  1. Fundraising – For-profit organizations have systems in place to sell their products and services. The better the product or service, the greater the revenue. Nonprofit organizations must have a similar mindset. Nonprofit organizations must also have systems in place to plan, execute, and measure their fundraising efforts. 
  2. Board Engagement – A board portal creates an environment for board members to be more involved in the mission of the organization, beyond attending board and committee meetings.  Here are two examples. Board members are busy people. Anything that saves them time is valuable. A board portal puts all relevant information in one place – easy to find, and eliminating searching through emails. Secondly, a good board portal should also have a mobile app, so board members have access to everything they need 24/7. 
  3. Mission Sustainability – I refer to organizations that do not have a board portal as the “lost and Found department. Board rosters change every year. Without a board portal, institutional knowledge is ”lost” when members cycle off the board. Similarly, when new members join the board, that knowledge is not always “found”.  
  4. Increase Organizational Performance – A board portal improves organizational performance in several ways. Here are just two. A board portal serves as the “single source of truth” for board information. By organizing current governance documents in a centralized location, better decision-making will occur, as well as more informed advice provided. Secondly, board members are more productive when required information is easily, and quickly, available when needed. 
  5. Increase Constituent Satisfaction – If a board portal, as described above, helps improve mission impact, then it stands to reason that the people served by the organization will likewise benefit. Increased financial stability means more people can be served, and for a longer period. It is more likely that those served will stand a better chance of receiving assistance going forward as the sustainability of the organization increases.
  6. Save Administrative Time – A board portal provides a better way to manage meetings, events, and governance documents. Eliminate spreadsheets, paper, scanning, and printing by organizing all relevant application process information in a centralized portal and mobile device.  Streamlines and improves communication with the Nominating Committee 
  7. Recruiting New Board Members – As organizations look to recruit new board members, the potential candidates are younger, and more comfortable with tools. They expect that an organization will have tools and technology to help them fulfill their expected responsibilities. In fact, not have access to a board portal will be seen as deterrent to joining 
  8. Convenience – A portal enables members to attend board and committee meetings remotely when it is not convenient to attend in person. A board portal also enables an organization to retain key talent if an individual relocates because all board information is available in a secure environment in the cloud.
    Documents that require a signature can be done electronically, thereby eliminating the need to print and scan documents.
  9. Security – aboard portal is more secure that printing board packets of emailing documents. Information is available on a secure server that is only accessible with a unique login. Information is backed up nightly

The above information is by no means a complete list of the benefits available to an organization. Feel free to contact Frank Orzo at if you wish to discuss any of this information in more detail.


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