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Board Portals: What They Do and Why They Add Value

Welcome to Belles Board’s new blog. We are delighted to have you join us and learn about board portals and how they may benefit your organization. Whether yours is a nonprofit, public or private (corporate) entity, your Board of Directors and/or Advisory Board can benefit from access to a board portal.

What exactly is a board portal, you may ask. It is a software solution for your entity that serves as the heart of your Board-related activities. It is a secure and steadfast platform for your board, administration, and the CEO to work with for necessary documentation, maintain meeting notes, continue conversations to their fruitful conclusion, and utilize decision-making tools. The result should be a board operating with greater impact and efficiency.

Some of the most important features of board portals include:

  • Board software assists in moving board meetings from a reporting structure to meetings that are forward thinking and strategic in nature. 
  • Board software assists board members in preparing for both board and committee meetings. Further, it helps them stay more organized in their efforts on behalf of the organization. Prior to each meeting, all materials to be shared for the upcoming session can be posted for the group to review and gather their thoughts. 
  • Board software is a great resource for keeping all documents and materials used by the board secure and confidential. Further, they can use the platform’s tools to post any questions, sign documents, vote on issues, delegate committee assignments, and calendar meetings or deadlines. Notifications pop up to let member know that there is an action to be taken. Perhaps they need to sign a document or cast a vote. 
  • Board software provides a vehicle to leverage skills and knowledge brought to the table by each member of the board. This increases engagement by having ‘the right people in the right seats.’
  • Board software assists in enhancing the ‘3Es’ for your board and their meetings – effectiveness, efficiency, and engagement.
  • Board software is increases participation for virtual board meeting. Whether your organization is local, national, or international, you can host meetings with increased participation.
  • Functions for preparing for, during, and follow-up to the meeting make it easier for the CEO and Board Chair to predict topics of discussion, interest, and concern for the organization in a discrete and secure manner. It helps to direct the conversation during the meetings and, therefore, provides a means for more effective conversation.

There are many tools within board portals that make them and invaluable resource for organizations working with a board of directors or advisory board. In the weeks ahead, we will take a more in-depth look at each of the features above to highlight and explain how they can be deployed at your organization. Belles Board prides itself on ease of use for the administrator, the board members using the platform, and the CEO. The user experience is, in our opinion, the key to ensuring everyone with access makes the most of the platform. 

Take steps toward your organization’s success with a platform to enhance your board’s effectiveness, efficiency, and engagement. Try Belles Board and see where your board can be.


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